Junebug is a nickname for Junior. It probably came about from people shortening the Junior to June.
No they are not, the June Beetle (June bug) has two compound eyes usually with antennae between them.
Bug Tussle, Tennessee.
Tilly Floss is a nickname used for little girls.
June 22nd 2010
June 11, 2010
It was given to him from his Father. It started out from the word Junior, drop the ior, you get Jun, add the bug, Junbug or June bug. D.W. heard it and ran with it and the rest is history.
June bug, Japanese beetele.
June Bug June Bug
Yes, a June bug does have antenna on its body.
June beetle, May beetle, May bug, green June beetle, figeater.
That June Bug - 1911 was released on: USA: 12 July 1911
Dale Earnhardt Sr. was nicknamed "The Intimidator" and "The Man In Black". Dale Earnhardt Jr. is nicknamed "Junior" and "June Bug".
Japanese beetle.
June bugs do not come from grub worms. They come from eggs laid by an adult June bug, often in dark, damp places.
No, there is no evidence that suggests that the Green June Beetle, or Cotinis nitida, are blind.