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Where did David bury Goliath's head? And What does the Story of David and Goliath have to do with Jesus Dying on the Cross?

Everyone knows the story of David and Goliath. But many are not aware of what happened after David killed the Giant.

1 Samuel 17:53-54 “And the people of Israel came back from chasing the Philistines, and they plundered their camp. And David took the head of the Philistine and brought it to Jerusalem, but he put his armor in his tent.”

Now the battle between David and Goliath took place in the Valley of Kayla, which was almost 20 miles from Jerusalem. Why would David carry Goliath’s head all the way to Jerusalem, and what did he do with it when he got there?

It was a common practice for a king to decapitate the head of his enemy, and then stick it on a pole high on a hill, where many people could see it. The fact that David brought Goliath’s head to Jerusalem was quite an astonishing fulfillment of ancient prophecy. But to where in Jerusalem did David bring Goliath’s head?

One clue is the connection between the name “Goliath of Gath,” and Golgotha. The name of Goliath of Gath is a name derived from the two words “Gola Gatha.” One can say fairly confidently, that David took the head of Goliath (the head of the serpent) and after displaying it on a highest hill in Jerusalem for all to see, buried it in a place called Golgotha, still known today as "the place of the skull."

When David took Goliath’s head back to Jerusalem it would have been considered unclean and against Jewish law to bring a stinking rotting head into the city. The head had to be buried somewhere outside of the city, as gentiles (non Jews) were considered unclean. The head of Goliath was a trophy of war and would have been displayed on the highest hill in the area. Golgotha was the highest point on Mount Moriah just outside of the city gates, overlooking Jerusalem, so that God’s people could look up and see God’s enemy has been destroyed.

David was a type of Christ, and Goliath was a type of the devil, (the serpent). Goliath was a descendent of the giants which were born as a result of the fallen angles having relations with the earthly women. Goliath, who was of the Lineage of Cain, was ⅔’s angel and 1/3rd human, and was a genetic mutation of God’s perfect creation of man, whom God had made in the image and likeness of himself.

Goliath represented pure evil, the “seed (children) of the serpent.” He was one of the super soldiers that the devil and his fallen angels had created (sired), with the aim of totally destroying God’s lineage (righteous seed) from off the face of the earth. So that the promised Messiah could never come, and the earth and all its people would remain under the devil, his demons, and his fallen angels' control.

This giant super soldier would come out in the field and mock God every day; and had a helmet of brass, and a coat of mail (small brass rings) made of five thousand shekels of brass. And he had shields of brass upon his legs, and a breastplate of brass between his shoulders. (1 Samuel 17:5,6).

The word for bronze, nehoshet, sounds similar to the word for serpent, nehesh. Brass looks like gold when it's shiny, but when it starts to weather and gets tarnished, it starts to show its true color, a slimy green, like the scales of a snake or fish. When David cut the head off this giant slimy serpent, it was a prophetic picture of Jesus crushing the head of the serpent at the foot of the cross.

Thus fulfilling the prophecy that Jesus was the lamb slain before God laid the foundations of the earth. He is the Messiah, the promised seed of the woman, that was pierced in the heel, while crushing the head of the Serpent. Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; It shall break thy head and thou shalt break his heel.”

Mount Moriah, is the Holy Place where Solomon built the Temple, where Abraham offered up Isaac, where Jesus died on the cross, where Jacob dreamed of a staircase that reached up into heaven. and where David like Moses raised the serpent's head high on a pole for all to see, and as many as were bitten by the serpent and believed in Jesus, lived!

David's action of bringing Goliath's head to Golgotha the highest hill on Mount Moriah where Solomon would build God's Temple, is similar to what the Philistines did when they brought King Saul's head to the temple of their god Dagon, and fastened it to the wall. See: (I Chronicles 10:10 and 2 Samuel 31:8-10)

The fact that the Ark of the Covenant was recently found in a cave 20 foot below where Jesus was crucified on Golgotha, is all evidence pointing to the fact that this is where God's Temple and His Holy of Holies now dwells here on earth, and not in the city of Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. For more information see: They Found the Ark of the Covenant under Golgotha.

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Kevin Quinn

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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Tebesi Tekane

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βˆ™ 1y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

There is nothing in The Bible to confirm where David buried Goliath's head. Because Scripture is silent, it is not a matter of necessity for us to chase down the answer. Too many people get caught up in certain silly tid bits of data and try to make a story out of it...stories which only become mere speculation. There is no evidence that Goliath's skull was buried at the "place of the skull" a hill outside of Jerusalem's gates that may have looked like a skull, translated by Jerome to become the word "calvary".

The head was a trophy for David showing God's power over the menacing Philistines, but does not seem to have any more significance that that. There is so much more that we could be studying.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Jewish history tells us that David buried his head at the same site that Christ was crucified, that's one of the reasons that place was called the "place of the skull" the other reason was because golgotha was shaped like a skull

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βˆ™ 13y ago

After David slew Goliath , he cut of his head and took it to Jerusalem, to show it to king Saul. The head was buried outside Jerusalem, and theplace was called Golgotha, Gol comes from Goliath skull.

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