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You have to go to any mart and on the bottom of the counter will be a clipboard. Go to it and put Link Together With All. When you save and turn off your game it should say mystery gift at the bottom. Link with somebody else who has the mystery gift option (you have to use a wireless adapter). Then do the event and get the mystic and aurora ticket. You'll be able to go to 8 and 9 island. On 8 island is Lugia and Ho-oh, and on 9 island is Deoxys.

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Q: Where can you get the aurora ticket in Pokemon leaf greenFireRed?
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How can you go on island 8 in Pokemon leaf green?

Only if you have the mystic ticket and aurora ticket can you venture to birth island and navel rock which is impossible to do without cheats.

Where do you find the Aurora ticket in sapphire?

Aurora ticket is only avaible in leaf green, fire red and emerald. But not ruby or sapphire.

Can you get an aurora ticket in Pokemon pearl?

The only place I know you can get an aurora ticket is leaf/green and fire/red but I never fount anything about one in diamond and pearl so i say no even though i wish i could say yes sorry

How do you get the aurora ticket in Pokemon LeafGreen?

To obtain the Aurora ticket in the Leaf Green Pokemon game go to any PokeMart. Say yes to filling out the questionnaire then enter the words "link together with all". This cheat will now give you a mystery gift when you start up the game. Go to a Pokemon event and you can download the ticket.Use action replay.

What is a Aurora ticket?

The Aurora Ticket takes you to Birth Island, home of Deoxys. In Fire red you will meet it in attack form In Leaf green you will meet it in defense form.

Is it possible to find Deoxys in Pokemon Pearl?

No, not unless you have obtained the Aurora Ticket from a Nintendo Event and captured Deoxys in Fire Red, Leaf Green, or Emerald. You can also obtain an Aurora Ticket using a cheat code, but that is not good way to get it. If you have captured Deoxys on Fire Red, Leaf Green, or Emerald, you can migrate it to the Pal Park on your Pearl version.

Witch event can you catch Deoxys in Pokemon diamond?

Through trade it was given away at GameStop in 2008. You can also use the Aurora ticket in Emerald, Fire Red, Leaf Green.

How do you get deoxsys in Pokemon Diamond?

I don't think you can but if you have Deoxsys on Pokemon fire red leaf green or ruby/sapphire emerald then you can transfer it to your Diamond

How do you get Deoxys in pookemon platinum?

you have to either migrate it from fire red/leaf green or emerald when the event was distributed for the aurora ticket that allows deoxys to appear, and you can trade to get one from a friend or if you spotted deoxys you can get him in global terminal or offer Pokemon for him

How do you get every key item in bag Pokemon leaf green?

When you have 60 Pokemon or more talk to all the assisstants and they will give you the items.

Pokemon leaf green and fire red how do you get the mystic and aura ticket?

at yo mamas house

Ar code for mystic ticket on Pokemon platinum?

The mystic ticket only existed of fire red leaf green and emerald. Basically it is unobtainable in Pokemon pearl diamond and Platinum