If you go to Hearthome city, go either left and up or right and up. You'll come to a building like the one you see from exiting or entering somewhere. Go through it. You're in Amity square.
P.S. The only Pokemon they'll allow in are: Pikachu, Shroomish, Clefairy, Skitty, Psyduck, Pachirisu, Torchic, Drifloon, Buneary and Happiny.
go to amity square in hearthome.every 200 steps talk to your pokemon. taadaa u get accesorie
If you talk to your pokemon in amity square it may give you an item or there is a guy in the ruins of amity square that you talk to he will give you either some rare berries or a prop
I'm assuming you mean how you can release your Pokemon so they can walk alongside you, right? Well, the only way you can do that is in Amity Square located in the northwest or northeast corners of Hearthome City in the Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum games. You cannot send them out to walk with you anywhere outside of Amity Square.
just use your poke tech look for something that Haz a line going up and down.
you can only have a Pokemon walk by your side in amity square, and that is only certain Pokemon, other than that, you can't. I do not believe there is an action replay code for this I Think That It is Quite Cruel The Way That You Can Only Have "Cute" Pokemon Walk Next To You. Oh By The Way What Is An Action Replay Code? In Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver version you walk besie your Pokemon that is first in your party. In Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum you can only walk by your Pokemon in the amity square in hearthome city.
if you entered in the left they only teleport between the two. you have to enter in the right side9you can go left and right inside the teleporters)
The TM43 can be found at the Amity Square in Pokemon Platinum.
Take them to Hearthhome City and go for a walk in amity square.
go to amity square in hearthome.every 200 steps talk to your pokemon. taadaa u get accesorie
to get Pokemon to like you you just train them and give them poffins and if they let you walk them in amity square
No, Amity Square is the only place in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum where you can stroll with Pokemon.
sorry but no you can't find any Pokemon in amity square
If you talk to your pokemon in amity square it may give you an item or there is a guy in the ruins of amity square that you talk to he will give you either some rare berries or a prop
I think you can get items in amity square and make friends with your Pokemon
No, you're Pokemon do not walk with you in Pokemon Platinum. The only actual way to get them to follow you is in Amity Square, which is where you can stroll with a certain amount of Pokemon. This includes all starters and stages, Happiny, Drifloon, and more.
You have to go to Amity Square. This is North of Hearthome City. Only some Pokemon are allowed into Amity square. However, once you have the National Dex a few more Pokemon are allowed. Also, Platinum is the only game which will allow your starter Pokemon to enter. Every 200 steps your Pokemon with you will give you an item (accesory, berry etc.)
Amity Square.