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Llamas are animals from South America. In India they would be mostly zoos and possibly farms.

A lama is a Buddhist teacher (like the Dalai Lama), usually from Tibet, and there are many of them living in India.

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Q: Where are llamas found in India?
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What country near India are llamas often found in?

Nepal also in jammu and kashmir especially in ladakh also buddhism is famous in India so they can be throughout india

Where is the llama found?

Llamas are indigenous to South America.

Which was found first llamas or alpacas?

Llamas, because they're simply much more efficient for towing Jesus over the water.

Where is lamas on HorseIsle?

Llamas can be found in the jungle on Jungle Isle.

Why do llamas have short legs?

because they like bacon ok

Are llamas in the Tibetan mountains a population or a community?

They are the community, because up in the Tibetan mountains, Llamas are considered sacred.

Where are llamas commonly found?

South America in the highlands along the Andes

Are llamas and vicunas found in the Atacama desert of Chile?

Llamas and alpacas are both domestic animals and not found naturally in the Atacama Desert. Relatives, the guanaco and vicuna, do find a home on the fringes of the desert, however.

What animals were found in 1000 BC Rome?

i found out that there were only cows, llamas, pigs, bison, deer and fish.

What does you llamas mean?

You is not a Spanish word. Llamas can be a form of Llamar (verb) - to call - and means "you call"-informal (Llamas a tu mamá por teléfono. - you call your mother other the phone) However it can also be asking your name. "¿Cómo te llamas" means "What is your name?" Literally it means "How do you call yourself" Llamas (Noun) is a large mammal found in South America similar to a camel.

What animals are commonly found in Chile?

penguins, llamas, alpacas, andean wolves, pumas

What breed on HorseIsle is found in the jungle?

Peruvian Pasos, Paso Finos, and Llamas can be found in the jungles of jungle isle :) - Banaja of Pinto -