when you do P.E
There is typically a flurry of activity in schools during the morning arrival period, lunchtime, and dismissal time. These are peak times when students are transitioning between classes, arriving at school, eating meals, and leaving for the day. Additionally, special events such as assemblies, parent-teacher conferences, and extracurricular activities can also create bursts of activity throughout the school day.
I know the answer. It's like at recess. There's plenty of activity going on there. But if you don't have recess, like at middle school or High School, your answer could be when your going to get your book out of your locker. Or perhaps you don't have to use that answer. You could answer, "Lunchtime." At lunchtime, it's not just your class. It's more people in that grade. It's really obvious! No offense.
The answer is....
haha, tricked you! How dare you search for answers online! Use your brain, dummy!
The Gosselin's school day starts early and is very long due to the 45 minute commute to and from their school. They get on the bus at 7 am and are home at 5PM, unless they have an after school activity. If they have an afterschool activity they are home even later!
Gestalt therapy is the school of psychology that claims we can't break down human activity into separate units. Gestalt therapy was introduced by Fritz and Laura Perls along with Paul Goodman.
The collective nouns for flamingos are:a stand of flamingosa flamboyance of flamingosa colony of flamingosa flock of flamingosa flurry of flamingos
No, they can make the child stay for a certain period of time, but Physical Activity is a no-no, UNLESS A: The child consents. B: It's make up for a missed P.E. class. Schools can set graduation requirements, which may include participation and documentation in physical activities.
Well, honey, Tom Gates probably set a million reminders on his phone, tied a string around his finger, and had his mom nagging him non-stop about the school activity trip. That boy better not forget, or he'll be in for a world of trouble!
A flurry of activity
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/flurry. It states that flurry means "a light, brief shower of snow"
a solid is a part of flurry
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/flurry. It states that flurry means "a light, brief shower of snow"
The past tense of flurry is flurried.
Gerald Flurry was born in 1935.
The plural form of the noun 'flurry' is flurries.
When the automobile comes to a stop, the mechanics perform a flurry of activities. That snowstorm was not much more than a flurry.
it was a flurry shot that was not needed at all. Or you can also say the cat took of in a flurry of leaves a twigs.
Fuss: a flurry of nervous, excited, often needless activity. Honorific: conveying honor, a title or term of respect.
Robert L. Flurry was born in 1933.
Robert L. Flurry died in 2008.