Staravia doesn't evolve, because of a pokemon season and there aren't seasons in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum either. Staravia evolves at Lv. 34
Arbok does not evolve
u can only evolve from starly to staravia to staraptor staravia evolves into staraptor at level 34 =D
you need to trade it for it to evolve
Croagunk will attempt to evolve starting at Level 37.
evolve from staravia
You evolve one from a Staravia.
Staravia doesn't evolve, because of a pokemon season and there aren't seasons in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum either. Staravia evolves at Lv. 34
It evolves at Level 34.
Yes. At level 14. Then Staravia into Staraptor at level 34.
Staravia evolves at level 34.
staravia will evolve at at 34
Staravia evoles at the level 34 i would recommend giving it exp share and NOT putting it in battle
I dont know but in platinum its level 34 so work on that.
When do staravia from Pokemon the d.s. game evolve.
Staravia will evolve into Staraptor at level 34. This is for Pokemon Diamond, Pearl , or Platinum Versions. The level may be different in other Pokemon versions.
In Pokemon Diamond, Staravia should evolve into Staraptor at level 34.