New Zealand
Some have the traditional roast dinner - be it chicken, turkey, lamb or whatever... Some have the more NZ style Barbeque or picnic. Christmas is in summer in NZ so a heavy roast lunch isn't always fitting.
There's a decent sized Jewish population in New Zealand. However, that'll probably change if the ban on kosher meat and chicken isn't lifted.
Captain James Cook (7 November 1728 - 14 February 1779) brought hens to both the North and South New Zealand islands in 1773 (in 2013 that would be 240yrs). This was Cook's second voyage. Chicken is such a lucrative food source that today New Zealanders average eating 230 eggs per person per year and more than 80 million chickens are sent to market each year.
Its a freaken chicken it can do whatever it wants
New Zealand
Alfred Chicken happened in 1993.
Chicken War happened in 1537.
Chicken Hunter happened in 2008.
Chicken Shoot happened in 2003.
Chicken Marengo
it crossed the road :)
The Chicken - football game - happened on 1946-10-24.