The duration of Return to Oz is 1.88 hours.
She was only 9 years old.
The 1985 film Return to Oz is rated PG due to some violence.
Return to Oz The Joy That Got Away - 2007 is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG
The book is Ozma of Oz. The movie is Return to Oz. Neither are remakes. Both are sequels.
There is a movie called Return To Oz made in 1985. A new Oz film is scheduled for a 2013 release.
The duration of Return to Oz is 1.88 hours.
She was only 9 years old.
Return to Oz was created on 1985-06-21.
The Production Budget for Return to Oz was $27,000,000.
The year 1985 was the release date for "Return to Oz."Specifically, the film was released on June 21 in the United States of America and on July 10 in the United Kingdom. It was based on "The Marvelous Land of Oz" of 1904 and on "Ozma of Oz" of 1907 by author and Oz series originator Lyman Frank Baum (May 15, 1856 - May 6, 1919). The two books were the sequels to the original "The Wizard of Oz" of 1900.
Return to Oz grossed $10,618,813 worldwide.
The duration of Return to Oz - TV program - is 3060.0 seconds.
Return to Oz grossed $10,618,813 in the domestic market.
Yes it is called return to oz
Return to Oz - TV program - was created on 1964-02-09.
The 1985 film Return to Oz is rated PG due to some violence.