gmt time of london is gmt+1.00 while gmt time of india is gmt+5.30
Earlier there were 2 time zones in india. Calcutta time zone and Bombay time zone of 39 minutes difference Now is only one time zone in india. which is GMT +5:30 hr, means 5:30 hour ahead of Greenwich time.
Canada has 6 time zones:Pacific Standard Time (GMT -8:00)Mountain Standard Time (GMT -7:00)Central Standard Time (GMT -6:00)Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5:00)Atlantic Standard Time (GMT -4:00)Newfoundland Standard time (GMT -3:00)
The US state of Florida follows two time zones. Eastern Florida has Eastern Time Zone which is GMT -5h and Western Florida follows Central Time Zone which is GMT -6h. The country India follows Standard Time Zone GMT +5.30h Hence, the time differencebetween Indian standard time and Florida standard time is approximately, ten and a half hour.
The actual difference is close to 10 and 1/2 hrs. Eastern time (US & Canada) is GMT -05.00 meanwhile India (Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi) is GMT +05.30, so the time difference is 10 hours 30 minute, with the time in India being aheadI hope this answers your question
If it is 1640 GMT, it would be 2140 (or 9:40 PM) in India. India is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT.
gmt time of london is gmt+1.00 while gmt time of india is gmt+5.30
The correct time for 9.00 GMT in india is 2.30 pm or 14.30.
India is in the IST time zone (GMT +5.30) meaning it is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT. Therefore, 1700 GMT is 2230 IST.
1640 GMT is 21:10 Indian Standard Time (IST). India is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT, so you add that to the GMT time to get the equivalent IST time.
Irish Summer Time is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Israel Standard Time is two hours ahead of GMT. India Standard Time is five and a half hours ahead of GMT.
India Standard Time (IST) is GMT/UTC +5:30. It is the time zone followed in the whole country.
The GMT of India is the Indian Standard time less five and half hours.
To convert a time given in GMT to India time, add 5½ hours.
The timezone of India is Indian Standard Time (IST), which is UTC+5:30.
Time travels forwards not backwards.
4 PM IST is 10:30 AM GMT. India Standard Time (IST) is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).