can you bear to see polar region bare , without any polar bears?
Why worry about reality? Ignore their growing numbers and send money!
(They are not endangered)
i want answere
how about red alert for the red panda? if its endangered then people might need to be extremely aware of what they are doing in order to make shure it doesnt go extinct.
Lend a hand to save the trees Plant a tree and get ait for free
tell me your company name and i will give you a good slogan just for $15 through Paypal e,m,a,i,l me on 1210sanskriti@ g,m,a,i,l.c,o,m
One popular slogan for forest conservation is "Forest's Are Our Treasure. Save Them". Another popular slogan is "Wood is Good".
go Pandas! its pandamonium! help save the giant pandas and you will help preserve part of this world!
Save the red panda Imagine their fear Save the red panda Their extinction is near
A|S = Animalsave I think is a good slogan.
created the good environment for them and a good sourse for eating
i want answere
reuse, reduce, and recycle Save the Earth! -We may need it later...
You don't have to be a doctor to save lives
Any slogan to save Antarctica must be a local phenomenon, so depending on where you live, your community may have a unique slogan. Any slogan would essentially encourage people to live lightly on the earth.
turn off light,save electricity
how about red alert for the red panda? if its endangered then people might need to be extremely aware of what they are doing in order to make shure it doesnt go extinct.
Lend a hand to save the trees Plant a tree and get ait for free
tell me your company name and i will give you a good slogan just for $15 through Paypal e,m,a,i,l me on 1210sanskriti@ g,m,a,i,l.c,o,m