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You will be very responsible for the baby because your 13. You can't do sports or anything anymore. No more long night sleeps.

You will have to tell your parents and they will take you to the doctortomake sure everything is fine and then you will have three choices; to keep the baby, adoption or abortion. What will happen after that depends on your choice. It is however illegal for someone to have sex at 13 year old and many authorities (law enforcement) still pursue the male for the illegal act of having under age sex with a child and or sometimes rape.

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Q: What will happen if you get pregnant at the age of 13?
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it happens at puberty age 9-13

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Yes, pregnancy is noticeable at any age.

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25 or 13 or 81, age difference is not a factor in getting pregnant.

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I certainly hope not since it is against the law to have sex with a 13 year old.

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that makes no sense! if you are asking can a girl be pregnant under 18 and the answer is yes! my friend had a baby at the age of 13.

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It can happen to anyone at any age. I had it when i was 15, but it is most common in pregnant women.

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A woman's ability to become pregnant is not dependent on her age. It is a question of whether the woman's body is able and far enough developed to become pregnant. Typically the availability to become pregnant is tied closely to the beginning of a woman's menstrual cycle which typically does not happen until puberty (generally between the age of 12 - 14).

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What can happen to 21 year old boy who gets 17 year old pregnant?

If she has reached the age of consent nothing will probably happen. If she has not and there are no close in age exemptions, he can go to prison for statutory rape. See your state for age of consent.