Main weapons of the Zulu War for the British was the Martini Henry Rifle, with bayonet, and various sizes of cannon. The Zulus used the assegai (a short stabbling spear) and the knobkierrie (a wooden club with a ball-shaped end).
cross bowsswordsgunsbombsnuclear weapons
Yes if you are playing splitscreen the second person and the first person can both upgrade their weapons
Although the chief weapons of the Zulu and the Gikyu were the leather shield and short stabbing spear, Zulu tactics from the 1830's on used skirmish lines of gunmen. In the original push south during the Great Trek Zulu skirmishers were armed with trade muskets (short barreled smootbore flintlocks sold through Arab and Portuguese traders via Zanzibar) and the occaisional Jaleel (long barreled flintlocks). During the Zulu war large numbers of Martini Henry 45 rifles were captured and put to use by Zulu rifleman who would give cover to their compatriots massed charges. - Zulu soldiers carried Enfield 1853 rifles with Schyner actions to load cartridges. The Cavalary used a shortened version of this model.
The Zulu assegai, a short spear.
british and Zulu
Zulu Wars Shaka King of the Zulu - 1996 TV was released on: USA: 1996
The History of the Zulu Wars - 2013 was released on: USA: 12 March 2013
the Zulu nation lost its independence. The Zulu king cesawayo was taken prisoner by the British, and the British empire expanded.
The cast of The Zulu Wars 1879 - 2002 includes: Robert Powell as Narrator
The Boer Wars and the Anglo Zulu Wars.
There wer no Zulu wars "against England" - The Zulu were protecting what they considered their territory against any encroaching military. They fought against the British Army and Dutch para-military units.
Zulu Wars Red Coat Black Blood - 1996 TV was released on: USA: 1996
Sometimes- not many. The main weapon of the Zulu was a short stabbing spear.
There never was a South African War! There were two Anglo Boer Wars and the Zulu wars.