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I think you can be any age over 6 or 7 because sometimes they have mom and daughter week or father and son week; things like that.

You can not be that young and be on the show. Most contestants are over 18 but they have allowed contestants to be on the show as young as 14 or 15. They decide who will be a contestant and it is definitely not a random selection, but a producer's choice for the 600 contestants selected each season. Just to put in an teen application you must be between 13 and 18 and currently enrolled in a high school. There are very few teens selected for the 600 contestants that are selected from over a million applications.

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13y ago
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12y ago

There is no age requirement, but they recommend you be at least 15 years of age due to the content of the questions.

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Russ Samuels

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3y ago

I was on Family Feud in 1988. Ray Combs was the host. I was 14 years old. ~ Russ Samuels

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10y ago

To be on family fued you got to be 18 or older but ive seen some one on there that was only 13!

And you have to be able to spell the name of the show-it's Family FEUD. Duh

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12y ago

depending on which game show can differ for some you must be old and others you must be young.

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15y ago

I think its 18

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11y ago

A 16 year old girl named Tiffany

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14y ago


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Donavan Byrd

Lvl 3
3y ago

18 or older

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Questions and answers to the family feud?

A person can get some questions and answers from the Family Feud game that you can purchase at the store. The questions that are on television are changing all of the time. You will be able to practice with the game.

Name something some people jump out of?

Family feud plane, bed, boat, cake

Family fued questions and answers?

The TV show Family Feud has had questions and answers that range from Marriage to sports. The key is to guess the most common answer first.

In facebook family feud Name something that is in an office but not in an office supplies store?

Some office not office store items include: a secretary, family photos, plants, coffee/beverages, water cooler.

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weight, age, weight these are some answers for family feud

Where can you play against someone in family feud?

There is a free Family Feud game available to users of Facebook. There's also a Family Feud game available on WorldWinner and on Games dot Com. Finally, there is also a play-by-email game available on the Netgames mailing list.

What is the definition of a family feud?

It is a TV game show that has been hosted by Richard Dawson and Steve Harvey. An actual family feud is when some members of the family aren't speaking to others because of some hurt, real or perceived. It can also involve "blood feuds" between two families like those of Romeo & Juliet or the Hatfields & the McCoys. Family feuds can go on for generations, to the point where some members of the family no longer even know what the fighting is about.

Name a part of the body some people have surgically removed?

Family Feud: Kidney, Appendix, Mole, Tonsils, Gallbladder

What is the younger or youngest child of the family called?

This may be dated, but we always called the youngest the baby of the family. If the parents were older and the last child was some years younger than the other siblings, that child was the "caboose." My two youngest sisters were called, collectively, the "little ones." The youngest of 4 in my husband's family was always called "junior". Among my own siblings, we tease our youngest with "the after thought", an "oops" or our parents "midlife surprise".

Does the oldest or youngest family member open their present first?

Some families open presents from oldest to youngest as a symbol of respect towards elders. Others go from youngest to oldest going by the "youths are our future" saying.

Name an object that some stomachs are compared to?

Family Feud 1) Ball 2) Washboard 3) 6 Pack 4) Rock

What are family feud questions?

Some of the questions asked on the family feud online game are: name an occasion when a lot of people kiss you, name an animal you'd see in the desert, name something people buy when the feeling is, the bigger, the better, name a movie Eddie Murphy was funny in etc.