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Q: What was the game engine that Final Fantasy VII used?
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What is the language used in Final Fantaxy XIII?

i asked a customer service rep from a online Japanese video game retailer and they told me that the Japanese version of final fantasy 13 is going to be Japanese language only.there are no options to change the text to English or add English unless your really fluent with the Japanese language then i would suggest not importing it and just wait for the u.s version of the game when its released next spring.

What engine did the game Red Dead Redemption use?

Red Dead Redemption uses the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE), which is the same engine used in GTA IV and Max Payne 3.

How do you toggle subtitles in Final Fantasy XIII?

In Final Fantasy XIII for the PlayStation 3, you can choose to turn subtitles on or off. You can have separate subtitle settings for cutscenes, and the field. Note that you cannot change the subtitle language used in any version of Final Fantasy XIII (i.e., all English versions use English-only subtitles, and Japanese versions use Japanese-only subtitles).To turn subtitles on or off,Open the main menu using the Triangle button while on the Field.Select the Config option using the directional pad, then press the X button.Select field or cinema subtitles, then press the X button.Select On or Off, then press the X button.Press the Circle button repeatedly to exit the menus and return to the Field.

Which movie used the catch phrase the final frontier?

"Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" (1989).

How do you play burn games on a psp?

Games are software designed to be used with certain hardware and a PS2 game can not be played on a PSP for more than just the lack of game design. A PS2 is a more complex and capable gaming console than a Playstation Portable

Related questions

In which game can one find the character Squall Leonhart?

The character "Squall Leonhart" is a character from the video game Final Fantasy VII. You can purchase Final Fantasy VII online from auction websites such as eBay, classifieds such as Craigslist and used game stores such as GameStop.

What game title is sometimes shortened to FF10?

FF10 is an abbreviation which is sometimes used to refer to Final Fantasy 10, also known as Final Fantasy X. Final Fantasy is a series of role playing video games and this, the 10th in the series, was originally released in 2001.

What is the first Final Fantasy game?

It was called Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, which was funny because it didn't have anything to do with the games O_o Even thou on Answers web page under the title "10 games you probably didn't realise were movies" it clearly says that it is. (as above its not)

Where can I buy a copy of Final Fantasy VII for my PC?

You can find new and used copies of thousands and thousands of games including Final Fantasy VII, Gamespot, eBay You can try this site. They have a few of those:!

Are they going to make another Final Fantasy x?

Actually, couple of years after the release of Final Fantasy X, the Square Enix released the sequel, called Final Fantasy X-2. This sequel is usually considered to be worse than the original and is only used as a story connector. As for a remake of the game, no.

What is the tokita sword from Final Fantasy IV?

It Is From Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.The weapon exists in the game's code but were not completely removed, among other items like armor. They were either left from Final Fantasy IV Advance or used for beta testing. Some still have their stats left intact and can be used if the player uses a cheat code.

Is Final Fantasy a difficult game?

It all depends on the style of gameplay that you prefer, and the type of games that you are used to. If you are familiar with older-RPG games, then Final Fantasy should be understandably challenging, but easy to figure out. If you're NOT familiar with these types of games then Final Fantasy can be quite difficult and sometimes aggrivating. Over-all; Final Fantasy is a great game. With special classes and jobs, weapons and monsters and so much more, Final Fantasy is easy to get used to and very addicting. The only hard part of most Final Fantasy games are the extremely challenging boss battles. They will knock your socks off, so to speak. Just try it out, I'm positive that you'll do just fine.

What is espere?

an esper is a different type of species used in Final Fantasy games. They are usually called summons, and can be summoned in or outside of battle in the Final Fantasy universe. Espers coexist with the humans in the Final Fantasy world, usaully peacefully.

When Final Fantasy Came Out What Console Was Used For It?

The NES.

What programming language is used to make Final Fantasy Crisis Core for PSP and are there a combination of languages or are there different applications used to make the game?

Lua. Psp uses Lua and no.

How do you summon moomba in Final Fantasy 8?

There's a special item that is in the sony pocketstation's chocobo world game that you can transfer to ff8 and when used you can summon a moomba.

What is the Buster Sword used for?

The Buster Sword is a weapon used for battling. First appearing in Final Fantasy VII, and becoming one of the most iconic traits of the whole Final Fantasy VII franchise.