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At school we were always told that the earliest civilization was that of Egypt, and that it just appeared out of nowhere about 3000 BC.

Since then, however, time has marched on. Today, because of newer archaeological discoveries, research, computers, electron microscope, DNA and MtDNA analysis, but especially because of the internet and the rapid distribution of knowledge to all by many different authorities, our view of early civilizations has changed somewhat.

The earliest developed area of the world was the 'Fertile Crescent' , (known as such because it was fertile land ), and the most-fertile part was the area that we know as Mesopotamia. This was the area that people and families gravitated to, and a country is just an enlarged group of families.

The earliest culture that we know of is that of Sumer, but don't take my word for it - check it out and follow it through.

Moreover , the first boundary which can be named a country was Iran and The first state consisting all of western Iran was founded by the Proto-Elamite with their capital at Susa & Anshan which lasted from around 3200 BC to 2700 BC, they were followed by Elam (2700 BC-550 BC) and Medes who created the first Iranian empire, which encompassed all of Iran and lasted from 728 to 550 BC, Cyrus The Great, founded the world's first superstate, stretching from Greece to India. The last reunification of Iran happened in 1501 AD by the Safavid dynasty. Iran was referred to in the West as Persia until March 21, 1935 when it was officially recognized as Iran which has been the local name. Iran has had roughly the same geographical boundaries since its inception and has been using Persian as the official language in addition to Iranian calendar.

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