Humans began creating art and understanding science. - English12 Apex
Humans began creating art and understanding science. -apex
Humans began creating art and understanding science . APEX
Prometheus is kind, unselfish, he also thought about the humans and gave him the gift of fire. He did not deserve such a severe punishment.
He took the fire from the gods and gave it to the humans.
This website can't answer everything. Try another one! he gave them the gift of fire
Humans began creating art and understanding science. -apex
Humans began creating art and understanding science. -apex
Humans began creating art and understanding science. -apex
Humans began creating art and understanding science . APEX
That was the doing of Prometheus.
He stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans.
It was given to man by Prometheus.
Prometheus is kind, unselfish, he also thought about the humans and gave him the gift of fire. He did not deserve such a severe punishment.
He took the fire from the gods and gave it to the humans.
Pandora was created by Zeus to punish the humans for taking the gift of fire from Prometheus.
This website can't answer everything. Try another one! he gave them the gift of fire
In Greek mythology, Prometheus stole fire from Mount Olympus and gave it to humans. This act angered the gods because fire was considered their exclusive gift to humanity.