Buzz Aldrin has only one grand child and his name is Jeffrey Michael Schuss.
Apollo 11 was Edwin Aldrins last space flight. He is called also Buzz Aldrin. As his sister when he was small could not pronounce brother, it came out as buzzer.
Edwin Aldrin or "Buzz" Aldrin as he was called was an Air Force pilot, and then an astronaut.
Edwin Aldrin nick name is Buzz Aldrin.
Lunar Larry was Buzz Lightyear's original name.
Buzz Lightyear
He described the view, and said this is called the Kangaroo hop.
His name at birth was "Edwin Eugene Aldrin Jr."; he later legally changed his first name to "Buzz"
Bonnie Dizurger
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin is often referred to by his nickname "Buzz," which he got from his younger sister mispronouncing the word "brother" as "buzzer," which then stuck as a nickname.
Ironically, Buzz Aldrin's mother's name was Marion Moon. I don't know about you, but I think it's some kind of sign!
Buzz Aldrin's real name is Edwin Eugene Aldrin Jr.
Buzz Aldrin's birthday is on January 20.
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin is an American astronaut and the second person to walk on the Moon during NASA's Apollo 11 mission in 1969.
Edwin eugene aldrin sr. was his dad
In the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar, Edwin is nicknamed "Twitch".