Right to freedom of religion is that one is not bound by any kind of religion - he can follow any religion of his choice, even multiple religions, and change his religion whenever he wants, at his will. It also includes that one can popularize and make propaganda for his religion, unless and until it hurts another religion. Their is no religion which is main for the govt. and considered a national religion.
The most believed religion is for surely Christianity. I'm a Christan too!
No religion can be banned...it is the right of people to practise any religion they will and it is their discretion to be humane and have kind approach towards people of other religions. India is a land of multiculture and vast diversity and religion.
Canadians worship hockey. Canada will be mainly Christian However You will find that in all country's where Christianity is the leading religion, there is also freedom the practice any religion you chose or have none at all.
King Louis 14th made it illegal to practice any religion except Roman Catholicism. Napoleon had a defacto ban on religion at large as he was not supportive of it in his practices or policies.
; The quote is Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. : Albert Einstein, "Science, Philosophy and Religion: a Symposium", 1941More quotes of Albert Einstein; see link "Quotes Albert Einstein" on left.
Buddists are more accepting of people and their religions. If you are totally accepting of each and every religion, you must be a buddist!
Albert Cornelius Knudson has written: 'The validity of religious experience' -- subject(s): Experience (Religion), Knowledge, Theory of (Religion), Religion, Religious Psychology
Albert Einstein said, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind" in his 1954 essay "Science and Religion." In the essay, he emphasized the importance of understanding and integrating both science and religion for a more holistic view of the world.
No, Albert Einstein was not a follower of Islam. He was born into a Jewish family and later identified as an agnostic, expressing views that were not aligned with any specific organized religion.
The famous mathematician and physicist, Albert Einstein said that he lost his belief in God when he was twelve. His atheism had no influence on his work or his discoveries. Like any good scientist, he sought the truth, not confirmation of religious belief.
There is no concrete evidence to suggest that Albert Einstein was a Freemason. While his views on religion and spirituality were complex and often discussed, there is no record of his membership in any Masonic organization.
No he is not. John Cleese is not a member of any religion. He is an atheist.No he is not. John Cleese is not a member of any religion. He is an atheist.No he is not. John Cleese is not a member of any religion. He is an atheist.No he is not. John Cleese is not a member of any religion. He is an atheist.No he is not. John Cleese is not a member of any religion. He is an atheist.No he is not. John Cleese is not a member of any religion. He is an atheist.No he is not. John Cleese is not a member of any religion. He is an atheist.No he is not. John Cleese is not a member of any religion. He is an atheist.No he is not. John Cleese is not a member of any religion. He is an atheist.No he is not. John Cleese is not a member of any religion. He is an atheist.No he is not. John Cleese is not a member of any religion. He is an atheist.
Ian Albert Leask has written: 'The Taylor effect' -- subject(s): Religion and culture, Criticism and interpretation, Congresses, Secularism