Central time zone.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 75 minutes.
The address of the Houston History Association is: Rice University Po Box 1892, Houston Tx, TX 77265-5086
It is 108.39 miles west of Houston according to MapQuest.
Buffalo to Houston, 133 miles Buffalo to Dallas, 109 miles
Yes, there is a one-hour time difference between Houston, TX (Central Time Zone) and Chicago, IL (Central Time Zone).
The time difference between San Francisco, located in the Pacific Time Zone, and Houston, located in the Central Time Zone, is 2 hours. San Francisco is 2 hours behind Houston.
Central time zone.
Trinidad and Tobago is 2 hrs ahead of Houston Texas. Trinidad and Tobago's time zone is GMT-04:00, while the time zone in Houston Texas is GMT-06:00. This means that when it is 8:00 a.m. in Houston Texas, the time in Trinidad and Tobago will be 10:00 a.m.
Austin, TX is in the Central time zone of the US. GMT - 6.
Central Time Zone
23 Miles North of Houston, about 35 minutes driving time.
Houston, Texas is in the Central Time Zone.
Houston is in the Central Time Zone and Miami is in the Eastern Time Zone. If it is 1:00pm in Houston, it would be 2:00pm in Miami.
Mountain Time (either Mountain Standard Time or Mountain Daylight Time).
The driving distance between Fort Sam Houston TX and Houston TX is 196 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 2 hours and 58 minutes.
The sun sets later in Austin, Texas compared to Houston, Texas because Austin is located farther west in the Central Time Zone. This means that Austin experiences daylight for slightly longer during the evening hours.