$35,000 per episode.
5000 per episode
That occurred in the episode Conflict Resolution, which was the 21st episode in Season 2.
50 euro an episode
The amount of money Matt earns is not based per episode.
too much if they pay them anything...they know nothing about sacrificing and struggling!
On the Kenny Loggin's recording of "I'm Alright," Eddie Money sings one line: "You make me feel good." Eddie, before he became famous, happened to be recording at the same studio as Kenny and came in to do the line.
You can pawn anything that a pawn shop will give you money for. If it is gold, or contains a gem stone, it has value and they may agree to loan you money on it.
you better have lots of money
Not a darn penny! -JS
i make more than botht them
$35,000 per episode.
can i use the money for anything?
Well, you can borrow money from anyone if they agree to loan it to you.
40000 per episode
5000 per episode