shadow of the day- Linkin Park, basically describes the loss of all of the band members are experiencing and how there are downs in life "the shadows of the day" and "the sun will set for you" basically means at the end of the day the "shadows" or the downs of life will disappear but never be forgotten
fix you- coldplay, basically how the lead singers wife lost her dad and how this is a song in the remembrance of him and how life sucks and how there are always downs and they leave you broken but he will do all that he can to "fix you" and be stronger than you were before and as long as you keep your head up you will make it through it and end up a better person:)
The outsider- a perfect circle, i chose this one not only because it sounds good but also because the lead singer maynard James keenan has been through so much like how his mom had an aneurism when he was age ten and she was paralyzed from the neck down for 27 years and just recently died and he made this song about his friend who recently committed suicide and how that's not the only way and how he will always be remembered but that's not that good of a choice because of how he calls him a suicidal imbecel but the name kinda gives it away "the outsider" i think that both freak and max are outsiders
10,000 days- tool, this song is 11:30 long and kinda slow and quiet at first but it has by far the strongest meaning, tool has the same lead singer as a perfect circle (maynard James keenan) and this is about his mom passing after 27 years (10,000 days) and how it took this long for him to realize the message that she was trying to pass, live life to the fullest kinda how freak lived his life like how he had a medical disability and he lived life as full as he could... hopefully this helped :D
okay i will tell you the easiest way to find songs conncected to FTM. go to wikipedia, type Freak the Mighty Movie, and there will be a list of songs that are used in movie. pick one of them, and i tell you that there is a song called "Freak the Mighty" and it is the best one for Freak the Mighty
The main characters in the book are Freak/Kevin and Max. (sorry it wasnt Freak and Mighty whoever said that).
Freak pretends to be a robot.
In Freak the Mighty, Freak's real name is Kevin Avery.
I have looked throughout the book I usher you it does not say in it
You can remember anything whether it happend or not
freak the mighty is an awesome book. read the book and find out XD
The main characters in the book are Freak/Kevin and Max. (sorry it wasnt Freak and Mighty whoever said that).
max the mighty
Freak in the book Freak the Mighty is a cripple boy who has a rare form of dwarfism. His name is Kevin, they might say that once in a while....I recommend you watch the movie too! It's called " The Mighty"
Freak pretends to be a robot.
In Freak the Mighty, Freak's real name is Kevin Avery.
The book is better :d
no. but there is a movie for the previous book, Freak the mighty.
The genre of Freak the Mighty is children's literature.