It was his son King Solomon.
Solomon, not David, had a son Rehoboam, who had a son named Abijam. this is in 1 Kings 14:31.
His son Absalom.
Yes; Solomon was David's son.1 Kings 2:12 - Then Solomon sat on the throne of his father David; and his kingdom was firmly established.[NKJV]
Yes, Solomon was the son of King David, and became king after him.
king Solomon david's son
the son of David
King David was the king of Judah and Israel. The separation between the kingdoms was on the days of king David's grandson, king Rehoboam (son of king Solomon, who was the son of king David).
It was his son King Solomon.
Solomon was the son of king David.
It was king Solomon.
King Saul was ruling when David came into the picture. Solomon was King David's son.
Solomon, not David, had a son Rehoboam, who had a son named Abijam. this is in 1 Kings 14:31.
His son Absalom.
King Davids son Solomon succeeded him as king.