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Meth whatever you do dont smoke or snort it

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Q: What rock is a large crystal rock with mixed minerals?
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Is a schist rock a crystal?

No Schist is not a crystal, but it is composed of minerals.

How does a mineral gets its crystal shape?

minerals get its crystal shape by the heating and pressure from rock

How does a mineral get its shape?

minerals get its crystal shape by the heating and pressure from rock

How can you recognize that granite is a mixture of different materials?

you can see the different bits and pieces of the rock

Does an ore have more minerals than a crystal?

Generally an ore is a rock composed of various minerals. A crystal is normally a pure or nearly pure variety of a mineral. Ores are refined to extract one or more specific minerals which exist in the rock. The less desirable minerals are considered waste.

Is minerals rocks?

No, minerals are not rocks. Minerals are one or more elements stacked together which forms a crystal structure. A rock is composed of one or more minerals.

How are minerals mixed up in a rock?

By weathering and erosion by the time and day

What is metamorphic crystal growth?

Minerals can form in metamorphic rock from the loss of water during compression. Hydrous minerals are replaced with non-hydrous minerals.

What depends on how long it takes for the minerals within a rock to form?

I think it might be Crystal?

An igneous rock with very small minerals crystal most likely formed from?


What specific type of rock can NOT be formed from minerals?

There are a couple examples. Coal is a rock, but it is organic and so does not contain minerals. Obsidian and pumice are both varieties of volcanic glass. Since they lack a crystal structure, they are not composed of minerals

What is the crystal group structure of granite?

Granite does not belong to any crystal structure group because granite is a rock, not a mineral, and only minerals can be grouped by crystal form or shape. Minerals are naturally occurring solids which form the earth and make up its rocks. Minerals develop in predictable geometric patterns called crystals. The term used to describe a crystal's general shape is habit. Some examples of crystal habit groups are cubic, prismatic, tabular, etc. Minerals are sometimes called the building blocks of rocks because rocks are usually made up of 2 or more minerals which formed together in the same space, often without enough room for recognizable crystal formation. The minerals involved and the environment they formed in will determine the type of rock they make. Granite is a rock formed underground from cooled magma (lava that never reached the earth's surface) containing the minerals quartz, feldspar, mica and others. Each individual mineral in a rock belongs to a particular crystal group, but not the rock itself.