They are considered to be white.
To add to the answer, many Hispanics are considered white, however the US government considers them to be a minority group being that they have a mixed heritage. For example, in Colombia, only perhaps 30% or less are deemed to be white according to the US government. Most Colombians have had enough inter racial marriages with Native Americans to be listed as Hispanic and thus a minority in the USA. The USA lists peoples with "black skin" who have lived in Cuba, Haiti, & the Dominican Republic to be Hispanic not white. Hispanics in the US Census are their own category. As far as can be known, the only "whites" considered to be such and speak Spanish are from Spain. Portugal people are considered white, but in Brazil, the heavy mixture of Native American, former Africans, and Portuguese peoples there place them as Hispanics and not as whites.
It should be noted this issue is based on the US governments definitions. How other nations classify Hispanics could be different.
no, because you see, hispanics are a species all their own. you can usually find them in their natural habbitat in mexico or spain. since such a beautiful species has been chased out of it's homeland it can also be found in lawn-care stores and shops
because It's not something exciting nor does it make your heart race
All of us do!
He is white (caucasian) of Italian heritage. As he was born and raised in Argentina he is considered as Hispanic heritage also.
Hispanics were too but not as much blacks
Every race is attractive. Which traits are considered attractive to someone depends on their culture and on their personal preferences. The Hispanics are quite attractive to many people.
Some Hispanics are considered part of the caucasion race. You do have many American Indians from South, Central and North America that speak Spanish as hispanic is not actually a race.
Hispanics have a higher drop out percentage than any other race in America. On average for every one black person who drops out of school, two Hispanics drop out.
Cuba has many different races. Such as Caucasians, Blacks, and more. But probably, the dominant race there is the Hispanics. No, the race is not called Mexican. Because being Mexican is your nationality, not your race.
Hispanics of many races.
In Houston, Texas the percentage of Hispanics is approximately 37.41%. This includes Hispanics and Latinos (of any race). Approximately 27% are Mexican and approximately 0.35% are Puerto Rican.
Uh Yeah. Well sorta. Latinos were born in LATIN america and hispanics are like mexico honduras etc
White/Caucasians Soy is common to Hispanics
Technically, yes. But "hispanics" can be of any race. Alvarez was Caucasian.