

Best Answer

Many of the items used for interior shots of Bonanza were taken from the studio's props department making it almost impossible to track down the dinnerware that was used.

One of the patterns often used was the famed BLUE WILLOW. I am trying to figure out the Red Pattern, which seems to look like O.P.Co.'s MAYFAIR??

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Q: What plates were used on set of Bonanza?
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What time span is Bonanza Set in?

Post civil war.

What state was bonanza set in?

The Ponderosa was in Nevada Territory in the TV show Bonanza.

Which US state was Bonanza set in?


How do you use bonanza in a sentence?

My favorite western TV show as a kid was called Bonanza. or The thrilling adventure movie set in Alaskaproved to be a box-office bonanza.

What was the name of the set of dishes used on the table of the Cartwright's on the western series Bonanza of the 50's and 60's?


Where can one purchase Christmas plates made by Avon?

Avon Christmas plates are a collector's item that were produced by Avon from 1973 to 1990. These plates can be purchased on the resale market at places such as eBay, Etsy, and Bonanza.

Collective noun for plates and bowls?

A collective noun for dishes is a set of dishes.

Where is hopsing of bonanza?

Dead. All of the cast has been dead for many years. I met him on a visit to the Bonanza ranch set that they had years ago.

How much is a set of Franklin porcelain gamebirds of the world worth?

full set of plates in the gamebird of the world set is 12 plates

What years was Bonanza set in?

Post Civil War era.

Where can you purchase a DVD set of the second season of Bonanza?

I believe you can purchase those on Amazon.

Which collective noun is used for a set of cups saucers and plates?

The collective noun for a group of tableware is a set of dishes.