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Q: What minerals containing a useful substance are referred to as gems ores veins or quartz?
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Minerals containing silicon?

Quartz, feldspars, mica.

What is a Metamorphic rock containing minerals such as talc and mica and quartz or graphite called?


How are quartz and granite different?

Quartz is silicon dioxide (SiO2). Granite is a rock containing many minerals and chemical entities; but granite contain also an important percentage of quartz.

What are some minerals that have quartz in them?

Quartz is a mineral. No other minerals contain quartz.

Can diamond scratch quartz?

There are double-terminated quartz crystals that have remarkable clarity and smooth crystal faces, which have non-scientifically been referred to as diamond quartz--the Herkimer Diamond is one so-named type of quartz crystal.

What is granite gas liquid or solid?

Granite is a solid, an igneous rock containing the minerals feldspar, quartz, mica, and inosilicates.

What is quartz fluorescence?

Fluorescence occurs when a substance has absorbed light and later emits that light. Quartz is a material that undergoes this process. Minerals and creatures can both exhibit fluorescence.

What is silicate minerals?

The minerals that contain silica. This would include quartz, as well as the silicates. The siliceous ooze is the biogenic sediment, containing the remains of organisms whose skeleton is based on silicates.

Is quartz a pure substance homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture?

Quartz is a compound. There are many different types of quartz, each containing different materials.

Whats the definition for silicate minerals?

The most common minerals found on Earth are the Silicate minerals. The silicate minerals are: amphibole, feldspar, mica, olivine, pyroxene, and quartz.

What minerals is minerals is hard but does not cleave?


Why brick is not a minerals?

A mineral - is a pure form of a substance... for example - quartz. A brick is a mixture of more than one substance (cement, sand and other additives) - and is therefore not a mineral.