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Considering that Libra and Pisces are star constellations that are incredibly distant from the Earth, I would consider the chances of them influencing your relationship here on Earth, to be pretty insiginificant.

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What are the chances of a Libra and a Pisces relationship lasting?

Libra has a turbulent relationship with Pisces.

Which zodiac can be friends with Pisces?

The complimentary opposite sign to Pisces is Virgo. Pisces has a harmonious relationship with Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricaorn and Aquarius. Pisces has a difficult relationship with Gemini and Sagittarius. Pisces has a turbulent relationship with Leo and Libra.

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The complimentary opposite sign to Pisces is Virgo. Pisces has a harmonious relationship with Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricaorn and Aquarius. Pisces has a difficult relationship with Gemini and Sagittarius. Pisces has a turbulent relationship with Leo and Libra.

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Scorpio has a harmonious relationship with: Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Pisces Cancer Virgo Libra

Can Libra and Pisces talk?

It depends on the individuals, not their signs.

Is Kim Kardashian a Pisces?

no she was born in October so she is libra.

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What is the only sign of the zodiac named after two living things?

Aries the Ram , and Pisces, the Fish.

What sign is most compatible with female Pisces?

The complimentary opposite sign to Pisces is Virgo. Pisces has a harmonious relationship with Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricaorn and Aquarius. Pisces has a difficult relationship with Gemini and Sagittarius. Pisces has a turbulent relationship with Leo and Libra.

Which zodiac sign has scales?

Libra is the scales. Libra IS the scales, both Pisces (the fish) and Capricorn (the sea-goat) HAVE scales.

Tips for a high school Libra guy having a crush on a Pisces girl?

Some tips for a high school Libra guy having a crush on a Pisces girl includes smiling at her. Ask her about her herself and what she likes to do.

Why a Pisces man would want a Libra woman and not a Virgo women?

maybe because i Pisces is not meant for a Virgo, it is probably in his horoscope.