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No. The main, and official, language of Argentina is Spanish. But, like Uruguay, the Portuguese language is a required subject for schoolchildren. For there's heavy traffic back and forth over both countries' borders with Brazil.

Additionally, many of the immigrants, from Spain to Argentina, come from the northwestern province of Galicia. Indeed, Galicia is the place of origin of the Portuguese language within the Iberian Peninsula. And so immigrants to Argentina tend to know, speak and understand Galician, Portuguese, and Spanish.

In fact, Portuguese continues to be spoken in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires. For the city still is the destination of Galician immigrants to Argentina. Also, the city still is the host to the continued popularity of tango dancing, music playing, and singing. And the lyrics to tango songs sometimes are in Lunfardo, which is a slangy mix of Brazilian Portuguese; dialects from Africa, the Caribbean, and Italy; and English.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 6y ago

They speak 40 languages, although the common one is Spanish. 2 of them are extinct, and others are endangered.
They Speak Spanish
people from Argentina speak spanish
The main language is Spanish.
Argentinians speak Spanish.
The official language of Argentina is Spanish.
Argentinians speak Spanish.
The Argentines speak Spanish.
Argentina does not have an official language legislated. Spanish is the "de facto" official language.
Most Argentinians speak Spanish. There a few Welsh speakers.
The official language of the nation of Argentina is Spanish. Argentina has a population of almost 42 million most of which speak Spanish.
There are so many languages that are used in Argentina. However, the official language that is used all over the country is Spanish.
No. The main, and official, language of Argentina is Spanish. But, like Uruguay, the Portuguese language is a required subject for schoolchildren. For there's heavy traffic back and forth over both countries' borders with Brazil.

Additionally, many of the immigrants, from Spain to Argentina, come from the northwestern province of Galicia. Indeed, Galicia is the place of origin of the Portuguese language within the Iberian Peninsula. And so immigrants to Argentina tend to know, speak and understand Galician, Portuguese, and Spanish.

In fact, Portuguese continues to be spoken in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires. For the city still is the destination of Galician immigrants to Argentina. Also, the city still is the host to the continued popularity of tango dancing, music playing, and singing. And the lyrics to tango songs sometimes are in Lunfardo, which is a slangy mix of Brazilian Portuguese; dialects from Africa, the Caribbean, and Italy; and English.
Language in Argentina is a mixture of many languages and dialects but they mostly speak spanish
According to Wikipedia the only official language in Argentina is Spanish.
Spanish is the main language in Argentina. Araucano, Guarani, and Quechua are indigenous languages. European languages are also spoken in small quantities.
the official language of aregentina is spanish or castellano (castilian)
Mostly(80%) Spanish.
All south American countries speak Spanish except from Brazil which speaks Portuguese.
Spanish is the major and official language of Argentina, but it is also influenced by Italian.

The Argentinians call their language Castellano, which is a reference to Castile, the region in Spain that first colonized the Americas.
the offical language is spanish some people in Argentina call is castilian
no, they speak spanish
Argentinians speak Spanish or Welsh
The main language of Argentina is Spanish, or Castillian (Catellano in Spanish) as the Argentinians call it.
in Argentina we speak spanish ;)
There are more than three languages spoken in Argentina, the most spoken languages are: (in order)

  • Spanish (called Castilian)
  • Italian
  • Levantine dialect of Arabic

Other languages include:
  • German
  • Guarani (native language)
  • Quechua (native language)
  • Aymara (Bolivian language)
  • Welsh

Recent Immigration has brought the following languages to Argentina:
  • Chinese
  • Korean
  • English
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • French

there main language is spainish because Argentina was inated by Mexico.
There are at least 40 different languages spoken in Argentina, with Spanish being dominant.
In Argentina they mainly speak Spanish. However, due to great European influence, people there also speak German, French, Italian, and English.
Several languages are spoken in Argentina besides Spanish. They are English, Portuguese, Italian, French, and even some German is spoken.
Spanish is the official language spoken in Argentina. However, there are many other languages spoken in Argentina. These include Italian, Arabic, German, French, Wichi, Aymara, and Catalan.
The official Language is Spanish and the Main Language.

There are also other languages spoken there though including:

  • Italian
  • Levantine Arabic
  • Quechue
  • German
  • Yiddish

Their official language is Spanish.
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βˆ™ 15y ago

No. The official language of Argentina is Spanish. Like most of South America, Argentina was settled by Spain. And it was no accident that Spain settled most of South America, and Portugal only colonized Brazil. For the Treaty of Tordesillas, in 1497, divided the non-Christian world into zones of influence for Spain, and zones for Portugal. The line that divided the zones just happened to run in such a way as to give Brazil to Portugal, and Argentina and most of the rest of South America to Spain.

But Spanish isn't the only language that has shaped Argentine culture. For there has been a heavy immigration from Italy. And there also has been a heavy immigration from Galicia, which is a province in northwestern Spain. In fact, Galicia is the original home of the evolving Portuguese language. And so Galicians tend to know, speak and understand Galician, Portuguese, and Spanish.

A popular destination for Galician immigrants to Argentina is the capital city of Buenos Aires. And so Portuguese is one of the capital city's spoken languages. Additionally, Portuguese has a historical role in the evolution of the tango style of dancing, music playing, and singing. For one of the languages is Lunfardo, which is a slangy mix of Brazilian Portuguese; dialects from Africa, the Caribbean, and Italy; and English.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

The national language of Argentina is Spanish. It is spoken by most of the population. There is no official language.

Spanish is called Castellano in Argentina.

Here is a list of 25 major languages spoken in Argentina:

  1. Abipon
  2. Argentine Sign Language
  3. Aymara, Central
  4. Chiripá
  5. Chorote, Iyojwa'ja
  6. Chorote, Iyo'wujwa
  7. Guaraní, Mbyá
  8. Guaraní, Western Argentine
  9. Kaiwá
  10. Mapudungun
  11. Mocoví
  12. Nivaclé
  13. Ona
  14. Pilagá
  15. Puelche
  16. Quechua, South Bolivian
  17. Quichua, Santiago del Estero
  18. Spanish
  19. Tapieté
  20. Tehuelche
  21. Toba
  22. Vilela
  23. Wichí Lhamtés Güisnay
  24. Wichí Lhamtés Nocten
  25. Wichí Lhamtés Vejoz

Argentina is also a melting pot. Chinese, Italian, German, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Yiddish and Welsh are spoken by large minorities in Argentina. In fact, the second most widely spoken language in Argentina is Italian.
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The de facto language of Argentina is Spanish. Some percentage of them may also speak English, but the most common languages are Spanish, Italian, and German.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The spoken languages of Argentina number at least 40 although Spanish is dominant.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Spanish is the official language of Argentina.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

a second language in some schools

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes, they do.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

They speak Spanish in Argentina.

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What percentage of languages are spoken in Argentina?

It is estimated that around 40 different languages are spoken in Argentina, representing a diverse linguistic landscape within the country. This includes indigenous languages such as Quechua, Mapudungun, and Guarani, among others.

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What is the most popular language spoken in Argentina?

The most popular language spoken in Argentina is Spanish. However, due to the country's diverse population, there are also several indigenous languages spoken, such as Quechua and Guarani.

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For the languages of Argentina, click here.For the languages of Brazil, click here.

What language do they speak in Argentina?

The official language of Argentina is Spanish. However, due to its diverse population, other languages such as Italian, German, and indigenous languages are also spoken in certain regions.

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The main languages spoken in South America are Spanish, Portuguese, and English in countries such as Brazil, Argentina, and Guyana. Indigenous languages are also spoken by various communities, including Quechua, Aymara, Guarani, and others.

What language is spoken by most people in Argentina?

The majority of people in Argentina speak Spanish as their primary language. Additionally, there are indigenous languages spoken by some communities within the country.

Is Spanish the only language that is spoken in Argentina?

No, Spanish is the primary language spoken in Argentina, but there are also indigenous languages spoken by certain communities, such as Quechua and Guarani. Additionally, some regions have influences from Italian and German immigrants, so those languages may also be present in specific areas.

What language do the Argentinians talk?

Spanish is the predominant language spoken throughout Argentina. Other languages spoken by Argentinians include English, Portuguese, Italian, German, and French.

What countries have romance languages?

Some countries that have Romance languages as their official or widely spoken languages include: Spain Portugal France Italy Romania Brazil Argentina Mexico

What are spoken languages?

Spoken languages are languages that are spoken by people for communication. They involve vocalization and sound production to convey meaning, as opposed to written languages, which use visual symbols for communication. There are thousands of spoken languages used around the world.

How much Portuguese is spoken in Argentina?

None. Portugese is spoken in Brazil, Spanish in Argentina