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In the Jurassic park movies John Hammond did not die from a dinosaur attack. You will notice him sick in bed from old age in the second movie 'The Lost World.'

However in the Jurassic park book Mr. Hammond was killed by a procompsognathus. Also known as a compy.

However it is my opinion and I believe one shared by many others that this was all part of a larger scheme. Although many people remain in ignorance it can not be ignored that velociraptors are a growing threat which will only increase now that their existence has become known to more people.

Getting back to your question though i believe, and studies are on my side here, that the compy attack on Mr Hammond was planned by the raptors to destroy anyone who may threaten their growing influence on todays society. Mr. Hammond was the leader of the entire Jurassic park branch of InGen and knew too much. the raptors however could not killl him because this would have brought out their genious and perhaps led to a large scale investigation on raptors as a whole.

They therefore through means of intimidation got the compys to do their dirty work by killing Mr. Hammond and disposing of information that would have been a threat to their ultimate plans of world domination.

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