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The round large foil wrapped ones are ring dings.

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Q: What kind of chocolate does Kyra Sedgwick eat on The Closer?
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What kind of chocolate does the closer eat?

Ding dongs

What was the first kind of chocolate milk or dark?

The first chocolate would have been an un-sweetened chocolate that would have been originally closer to a bitter dark chocolate.

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What steps are involved in chocolate?

depends what kind of chocolate you want and what kind your making

What is the healthiest kind of chocolate?

dark chocolate

What kind of noun is chocolate?

Chocolate is a common noun.

What kind of a solid is chocolate?

Chocolate is a delicious solid.

What kind of chocolate is most used?

milk chocolate

What kind of chocolate is digital chocolate?

As much as i know there are none digtal chocolate!

What kind of chocolate do you use for chocolate covered strawberries?

milk chocolate is the best

What kind of flavors does chocolate have?

White, milk and dark chocolate

What kind of mixture is a chocolate?

Chocolate syrup is a heterogeneous mixture.