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i ask lower means atteder, po, chepar,washer,saffai wala

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

They would generally be owners of businesses rather than workers. Bankers have always made money and politicians always have paid themselves well.

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Q: What jobs did rich men have in the 1800's?
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Did french women have jobs in the late 1800s?

yes french woman had jobs in the late 1800s .they worked by cleaning and cooking

What kinds of jobs did the north have during the 1800s?

Tthe women were music teachers, cooks, cleaning the house and sewing. The men were farming and mining.

What jobs did apprentices learn in 1800s?

they had market jobs ,clothes

What were the most popular jobs in the 1800s?

The most popular jobs in the 1800's were bankers, doctors, lawyers, and tailors. However, the most popular job frequently found was that of farmer.

What are some cons of military draft?

Rich men NOT getting drafted. If Rich men do get drafted; they get the BEST jobs. If Rich men do get drafted; they avoid FRONTLINE duty. Those are the ONLY cons of military conscription; otherwise, every man serves his country...but equally (unless they're physically or mentally unfit).

Jobs in the west 1800s?

Farming , Building , & Trapping

What jobs do rich people have in Egypt?

the rich people in ancient Egypt had jobs as farmers and priests

Did women have jobs in the 1800s?

Some women had jobs or worked for themselves in the 1800s. Most middle class and upper class women were what we now call home makers or house wives. Remember that most people lived on farms in those days. Farm women are farmers as much as the men, although they performed different functions on the farm.

Crew jobs on trading ships in 1800s?


Without rich people their would be no jobs for any one?

Not necessarily. A lot of people that provide jobs are not very rich. A lot of jobs do not depend on there being rich people. Some rich people do help in creating jobs through employing people and in the way they spend their money.

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The answer is RUBBER