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Bakugan come in all random G Powers and attributes, so there is no ultimate bakugan. But on eBay you can customize your own bakugan so that the G Power is now infinity. Also all dragonoids can use triple abilities.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Exedra is the strongest bakugan. I saw Exedra on a bakugan site it told me its a legendary bakugan and it is the strongest out of all the legendary bakugan.

Would you like exedra as your bakugan. I do.

That is completley incorrect. It depends, because I know someone who has a uncle that can make custom bakugan. It also depends on Ability and Gate Cards as well, so basically all and none.

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14y ago

linehalt is the second strongest bakugan i have a bakublue one it is 880 on the show it is very powful just like in real life

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14y ago

Assail Farbros 5000 Gs!!!!! [not released in real life =c]

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14y ago

serpenoid.It is a snake

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14y ago

Some people say there bakugan has 1000G

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15y ago

Aqous laserman with 250g

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What is the weakest Bakugan?


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The weakest bey-blade is storm Capricorn

What is the werst Bakugan ever?

any bakugan that has low G power a 250 g bakugan

How many Gs does naga bakugan have?

i know that a naga drago is real. also i know that there such thing as a lockness monster 2.

What is a Bakugan preyes?

a bakugan preyes is a bakugan dragon

Is Helios darkus Bakugan?

Yes, Helios is a Darkus bakugan in Bakugan Mechtanium Surge. In Bakugan New Vestroia, he was a Pyrus bakugan.

Which Bakugan has the most GsThat is an infitity Bakugan?

well theres bakugan trap bakugan trap has infinity G's(the square bakugan )

How do you evolve bakugan in bakugan the game?

you cant evolve bakugan besides your partener bakugan in the last battle

How can you get a pearl bakugan in bakugan battle brawlers?

in the bakugan brawlers video game, you cannot get a pearl bakugan.

What are Bakugan named?


Is bakugan a creepypasta?

No, Bakugan is not a Creepypasta nor there was ever a Bakugan Creepypasta.

How do you tell who is your starter Bakugan?

normally the strongest bakugan is the starter bakugan