both lay eggs in the water and their larvae are hatch in the water too
I don't exactly know this answer but i need it! :)
The elephant's tusks are overdeveloped incisor teeth.
Butterflies and dragonflies have several things in common. Some of these things are that they both can fly for long periods of time, they eat similar things, and both avoid cold climates.
the similarity between sports and games are that there really entertaining, enjoyable and fun. you learn better.
The only similarity which I identified between these programs is of "HUMAN INTERACTION"
There are several differences between frogs and a mosquito. In fact, they are nothing alike. A mosquito is an insect and a frog is an amphibian.
I don't exactly know this answer but i need it! :)
a tadpole is the second stage before it grows into a frog.
both born from eggs.
A symbiotic relationship implies that both species need each other to survive and benefit each other in different ways. A mosquito eats from a man or animal, and man needs the mosquito to maintain ecosystem balance as one of the lower members of the food chain.
what makes the life cycle of a mosquito and rabbit the same
Frogs eat insects, including mosquitos. That means the relationship between mosquitos and frogs is a predator-prey relationship. Frogs help to control mosquito populations.
pls help me i need an answer nowwwww
a frog likes cucumber
No. A mosquito drinks blood from humans and animals ONLY.