From Wikipedia...
"The winter solstice occurs exactly when the Earth's axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26'. More evident to those in high latitudes, this occurs on the shortest day and longest night of the year, when the sun's daily maximum position in the sky is the lowest."
Yes. Longest day of the year in one hemisphere, and shortest day of the year in the other hemisphere. So our summer solstice on June 21 is the longest day in Europe or America, but the shortest day for the Australians.
An equinox is not the shortest day. It has the same amount of daylight and darkness. The solstices have the longest and shortest days. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year in terms of the amount of daylight.
No. It has equal amounts of daylight and darkness. A winter solstice has the least amount of daylight and can be regarded as the shortest day of the year. If your clocks go forward once a year, then that particular day has 23 hours, so that could also be said to be the shortest day of the year.
Winter. The shortest day is the 21st of December.
It depends which hemisphere you are in.
The shortest day of the year in North America is usually around December 21st and is approximately 9 hours long.
The shortest day of the year occurs during the winter solstice, around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere and June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere. This day has the fewest hours of daylight and the longest night of the year.
December 21st marks the winter solstice in North America, the shortest day of the year. During this time, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted furthest away from the sun, resulting in less direct sunlight and colder temperatures.
December 21
Yes. Longest day of the year in one hemisphere, and shortest day of the year in the other hemisphere. So our summer solstice on June 21 is the longest day in Europe or America, but the shortest day for the Australians.
The shortest day of the year is December 20 or 21 (it varies because of leap years) for any point in the northern hemisphere. This is called the "winter solstice". In the southern hemisphere, the shortest day of the year is June 20 or 21.
October 13th
Pakistan lies entirely north of the Equator. The longest day of the year is the summer solstice ~June 21,
only on Mondays due to prays and worship god the holly
No, it only pertains to your own hemisphere. The longest day for people of Northern latitudes (north of the equator), is the shortest day for people living in Southern latitudes (south of the equator) because the earth does not sit straight up. It has a slight tilt that causes the seasons.
December 21st, at the very same moment as the winter solstice in the north.
The shortest day in Adelaide tends to occur on 21 June each year. This is the winter solstice, and it is the shortest day throughout Australia.