the author is the narrator's key, without your author you need no narrator
but then without your narrator your piece can't be annouced, your narrator is your author's spokesman.
the relationship beetween them is incerdible strong, they need eachother, BIG TIME!
your welcome(;
Distinguish between a public law relationship and a private law relationship.
What is the relationship between ethics and WHAT? You need at least two things to have a relationship.
The author, Lewis Carroll, is the narrator in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. It is told from a third person limited perspective.
a relationship between brothers should be sacred and good....
how their relationship ended
In the story "Catch," the narrator has a close and caring relationship with Aunt Darlene. Aunt Darlene is supportive and understanding towards the narrator, showing love and acceptance despite the narrator's struggles. This relationship provides a sense of comfort and connection for the narrator.
highlight the complex dynamics of their relationship and how the narrator's upbringing has influenced her identity.
The relationship between the narrator and the wanderer can vary depending on the context. In some works, the narrator may be a companion or observer of the wanderer's journey, while in others, the narrator may represent the wanderer's internal thoughts and reflections. The dynamic between the narrator and the wanderer can help to shape the narrative and provide insight into the wanderer's experiences.
The narrator is the killer. They are the same person.
A conflict between her competing identities - APEX
The author is the person who writes the story, while the narrator is the character who tells the story within the text.
Sedgewick's behavior suggests tension or a power dynamic between him and the narrator. His disruptive entrance and refusal to follow the narrator's instructions show a lack of respect or willingness to comply, indicating a strained or adversarial relationship between the two characters.
Amy Tan uses dialogue in a fragmented and terse style to show the tension between the narrator and her mother. Through their interactions, the power dynamics and emotional distance between them are revealed, creating a sense of conflict and unease in their relationship. Tan's use of dialogue highlights the miscommunication and underlying emotions that contribute to the strained relationship between the characters.
The narrator is the character who tells the story within the literary work, while the author is the person who actually wrote the story.
The narrator meets B. Wordsworth when the poet comes to his school to give a talk. The encounter leads to a close relationship between the narrator and the poet.