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Q: What is the relationship between ecnomics and logic?
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What is the relationship between logic and language?

whatisthe relation ship between logic and language

What is the principle of logic?

The principle behind logic is that there are relationships between two things. Logical statements states a relationship between the two things; A has characteristic B or if A, then B.

What are the use of logic?

Logic is used to describe the relationship between two things. Typically one item and characteristic of it. Logic is used to relate these relationships to state a larger relationship; if a=b, b=c and these facts are constant, then a = c.

Logic which is based upon the relationship of inclusion and exclusion among categories?

categorical logic

What is the relationship between logic and mechanical engineering?

Logic is an intellectual tool which has been instrumental in allowing people to figure out how to create technology. Illogical thinking does not lead to workable technologies.

What question must managers ask concerning the relationship between economic logic and international strategy?

Managers must question how the international strategy contributes to the economic logic of our business and corporate strategies.

What is the role of economics in engineering industry?

What_is_the_role_of_engineering_physics_in_engineeringin ecnomics

What does competing ends means in ecnomics?

means ends that compete

What is the role of engineering in ecnomics?

Make the power to make the money

What is the relationship between analytic philosophy and logic?

Analytic philosophy views logic as a central tool for analyzing and clarifying philosophical problems. Logic is used to rigorously evaluate arguments and concepts to reach clear and precise conclusions. Many analytic philosophers consider logic to be an essential component of their methodological approach to addressing philosophical issues.

How does a comparator work?

magnitude comparator is a logic circuit used to compare the two binary numbers in order to determine the relationship between those quantities.

The comparisons between informal logic and formal logic?