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Q: What is the meaning of name anyder in utopia?
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When was The River of Anyder created?

The River of Anyder was created on 2011-08-26.

What is the meaning of topia?

Topia means 'place' but could be interpreted as 'somewhere' as opposed to Utopia which means 'no place' or 'nowhere'. Utopia was the name of Thomas More's work about an ideal place as opposed to real places. Utopia is originally derived from the greek ou (not) + topos (place) which then got into Latin.

Are there any places in the us that are called utopia?

The literal meaning of "utopia" is "imaginary place". There is, however, a very real town called Utopia, about 50 miles west of San Antonio, TX.

What to name a utopia that has to do with flowers?

I like 'ScentsNation'...

Who created utopia?

The concept of a utopia was conceived by Sir/Saint Thomas More in his philosophical novel of the same name.

What is another name for a perfect world?

I've heard a perfect world is called a utopia, and the opposite of a utopia is a dystopia.

What country did the utopia legend originate from?

Utopia is actually not a specific mythical pace but instead an ideal. Utopia was a supposedly perfect society in every way. It was originally created by Sir Thomas Moore, he described this perfect society as an island in the Atlantic. The idea was popularized when we published a book in 1516 describing the fictional island. The name from the word meaning no such place.

Term meaning no place or ideal place?

Utopia is the term meaning no place, in the literal translation, or ideal place, in the commonly used meaning.

What is the name of the perfect world by Thomas More?

He called it 'Utopia.'

Where did the term utopia first appear?

Utopia was coined by Sir Thomas More in 1551 from the Greek (ootopia) meaning "no (such) place." ou "not" + topos "place" It was extended to "any perfect place" somewhere in 1613.

Why is utopia called utopia?

Because by definition Utopia is a Perfectcivilization

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