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In the old series or classic Doctor Who (doctors 1 through 7) each episode went for roughly 25 minutes but there were always four episodes to each story or sometimes more like in trial of a Timelord which contained 16 episodes to the one story. The new series (9th doctor and 10th doctor) are roughly 45 minutes each with some episodes having two 45 minute part. There are some specials which go for anywhere between 60 minutes and 75 minutes though. The 45 minutes per episode will continue with series 5 when Matt smith is the doctor.

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14y ago

The TV Movie, Doctor Who, is the longest single episode of Doctor Who. It is 89 minutes long.

Some people believe that the TV Movie is not strictly an episode, they think that The End of Time (Part II) is the longest single episode of Doctor Who. It is 75 minutes long.

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