personification. It is giving human-like qualities to something non-human.
The clause "the happy clouds scanned the ground beneath them" is an example of the literary device of personification. Personification is the attribution of human form or characteristics to some inanimate thing. In this sentence, inanimate clouds are described as "happy" (a human emotion) and as "scanning the ground" (a human faculty). Clouds of course do not actually feel "happy" or "scan the ground," but the author uses the device of personification to lend a human quality to a scene and to forge a certain mood.
I believe the type of figurative language in which an inanimate object is given human characteristics is anthropomorphism.
In the book "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli, a personification is a literary device where human qualities are attributed to non-human entities. An example of personification in the book is when the author describes the wind "whispering secrets" in Chapter 5. This can be found on page 32 in some editions of the book. Personification helps create vivid imagery and adds depth to the storytelling by giving life-like characteristics to elements of nature.
That's just a standard sci-fi pulp plot device to create tension and potential drama. In reality, there's no more likelihood of an alien race being attracted to human females than a human male being attracted to a baboon female.
Personification is the literary device where human qualities are attributed to an object or concept.
The literary device in this sentence is personification. This is because it attributes human traits, such as visibility, to the "east edge of the earth."
The literary device used in this sentence is personification, as it attributes human-like qualities to the cattle by suggesting they are being branded as if they were human.
human imaginary
Yes, personification is a type of imagery that gives human qualities to non-human objects or ideas. It is a literary device that helps create vivid and imaginative descriptions in writing.
Personification is the literary device where human qualities are attributed to objects or things.
from romeo and Juliet...I am not sure if you mean the literary device surrounding the prose or if the question is direct...since "mistempered" would be considered a human emotion the most obvious literary device would be personification
The literary device in the sentence "that was the summer dill came to us" is personification. This is because the herb "dill" is given human qualities by suggesting that it came to the speaker, which is a human-like action.
The literary device used in this sentence is personification, as the seals are given human-like qualities by suggesting that they are swimming freely.
The literary device used in the line "Next you knew in morning did creep" is personification, as it attributes human qualities (knowing and creeping) to the morning.