Second Hand Lions Second Hand Lions with Michael Caine, Robert Duvall and Haley Joel Osment
In Part I it is Scar (Simba's Uncle) In Part II it is Zira (Scar's supposed mate) Vitani and Nuka
King Moonracer
The only one who knows is Michael Morpurgo....
There are no hedgehogs in the lion king.
Felidae is the name for the lion family.
Lions are commonly called lions, but there may be colloquial names for them in different countries. The scientific name is Panthera leo.
Second Hand Lions Second Hand Lions with Michael Caine, Robert Duvall and Haley Joel Osment
Young lions are called cubs.
The name for a female lion is a lioness.
The Latin word for lion is leo. However, you may be asking about the scientific name of a lion, which is Panthera leo.
A young lion is called a Cub
Young lions are called cubs.
The other name for lion is Panthera Leo
The lion's name in Madagascar is Alex.
a baby lion english name is cube.
The name "starfish" and "mountain lion" are both misnomers. A starfish is not a fish and a mountain lion is not a lion. So I guess they are similar in that their names are misleading. Although a mountain lion is much more related to a lion than a starfish is to a fish. Mountain lions share the same Family name with lions, Felidae.