7 years old, though from the age of 4 you can go to kindergarten .
There needs to be a period in this sentence above ^.
Edits: Some people go to school starting the age of 3 because they're born from September to December so they didn't turn 4 yet. Also, some people go to
preschool so they start it at the age of 2 or 3.
you must be 16 and your parents can demand you go to school until your 18 years of age and they have custidy - Madison
the legal age to drop out with your parents consent is 16, without it the age is 17
the legal age to quit school in Kentucky is 16. i quit last year. don't quit. give it another try.
You can only 'legally' quit school at the age of 16. I recommend not quitting because jobs will be harder to get and you might not be as successful as others who finished school.
you can quit school when ever you want to. all you have to do is drop out. Get more details on quitting school. It would be educative and you would even refer your friends who are also planning to quit school.
17 years old
Answer You must be 16 years old with parent permission unless your emancipated.
the legal age of babysitting in Canada is 11!
you can be any age
The age of when you start school in Canada is 5 through 7
If it is Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada the legal age to marry is 18.
1-8 is not aloud to babysit in canada
The legal age is 18
18 is the leagal age to serve alcohol in Alberta, Canada.