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According to NCCIC.ORG, only Maryland and Illinioshave LAWS regarding this. You can see the article at There are very few states in the U.S. with legal minimum ages for children home alone, but many state agencies have published guidelines. Georgia, Illiniois, Maryland and Oregon are a few of the states with specific ages specified in their laws. Pennsylvania currently has no law that addresses a specific age for a child to be home alone.

12 years of age appears to be the most common recommendation. Below in Related Links is an article entitled Home Alone Children Legal Age Limits which provides one guideline from a California agency representative who suggests that 8 year olds and over can be left at home for up to several hours (usually after school before a parent gets home from work). This site also provides a state by state comparison with references.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

As of yet, there is no set legal age for children to be left home alone in Pennsylvania. However, if you leave a child who is not mature enough home alone and something bad happens the court will take into consideration several things. How old is the child, was the child able to get a hold of you or a responsible adult, is your neighborhood safe, does you child know his name, address, telephone number, etc.

If you want to read more in depth about this topic and how to determine if your child is able to be left home alone for a period of time look up the Southeastern Pennsylvania School Age Child Care Project. They have a guide with a Readiness Assessment and Child Skills Questionaire. This can be a helpful tool to determine your child's maturity.


There are very few states in the U.S. with legal minimum ages for children home alone, but many state agencies have published guidelines. Georgia, Illiniois, Maryland and Oregon are a few of the states with specific ages specified in their laws.

12 years of age appears to be the most common recommendation. Below in Related Links is an article entitled Home Alone Children Legal Age Limits which provides one guideline from a California agency representative who suggests that 8 year olds and over can be left at home for up to several hours (usually after school before a parent gets home from work). This site also provides a state by state comparison with references.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You can stay home by yourself at age 11, but can not babysit until you turn 13. Well i think you can babysit when you turn 12 .

Pennsylvania has no laws on the books related to this. If they are safe, feel safe, and know how to handle emergencies, most authorities would think an hour or so was okay.

depends where you live! in a busy city no! in a quiet village, yeah!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

I don't see why not. Make sure to lock the door behind you,don't answer the door (unless you are TOTALLY sure of who it is) if someone knocks.

And,always remember to behave yourself and be good for your parents.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

As young as you think you can get away with. ;)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

usually a child can stay home by theirself when they are 13 or 14 in all us i live in ca and we have to be at least 14 or 13 i would suggest 14:P lol :)

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βˆ™ 12y ago

There is no LEGAL age in US besides Maryland, Georgia, California, Illinois, and Oregon. However, there is a general recommendation of age 12 to stay home unspervised.

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the legal age is 12 to be left alone with siblings. Keep in mind though that even at 12 some children arnt mature enough to be left alone even without having to care for siblings as well.

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13 is the legal age for a child to be left alone in the US

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They can be left home at any time but the legal age is 12+.

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There is no specific legal age in Utah for leaving children home alone, but parents are expected to ensure their child's safety and well-being. It is generally recommended that children under the age of 12 should not be left unsupervised for an extended period of time.

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In Illinois, there is no specific statutory age requirement to be left home alone. The state law only requires children under the age of 14 to be supervised by a responsible person. Parents are encouraged to assess the maturity level of their child before deciding whether it is safe for them to be left alone.

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