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Two of the hottest of many South American chiles that deserve mention are:

# The Rocoto. Species: Capsicum Pubescens (also called Manzano, Locoto, and Canerio is the name the yellow ones are called). It has been domesticated in South America for 5000 years! They have a wonderful fruity flavor much like the Capsicum Chinense chiles such as Habaneros and Scotch Bonnets. They measure 100,000 to 350,000 Scoville Heat Units. They are very fleshy and thick walled and make fantastic rellenos. A separate species from the rest, they are the only chiles with black seeds. # The Aji. Species: Capsicum Baccatum. (also called Peruvian Hot Pepper). These also have a wonderful fruity flavor similar to the Chinense cultivars like Habanero and Scotch Bonnets. They are orange when ripe but wonderful still green, too. It has been reported that the Peruvians described the fire of their ajíes as "gringo huanuchi" (hot enough to kill a Caucasian). They range from 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville heat units.

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