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an Axolotyl

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Q: What is the fish during True Blood intro?
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In the opening of True Blood on HBO what is the weird looking fish?

A Cat fish

Are cold blooded fish sometimes classified by the temperature of their blood?

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Which is true fish?

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Why is the jellyfish called the true fish?

They aren't called the true fish. They are invertebrates. Fish are vertebrates.

What is a true fish?

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Is a sea horse a true fish?

Well it is vertebrate but I think that it is a fish. A true fish is the same so yes! :):):):):)

Is it true that the fish in sundarbans can live out of water?

It can be true, but 35% area of the Sundarbans are water. during high tide it will rise 65%. water is every places of Sundarbans....

What blood type of fish?

Bony fish

What is the difference between human blood and fish blood?

Fish blood contains nuclei in each blood cell and are much larger than human blood.

Is a carp warm blood or cold blood?

Carp are fish. All fish are cold-blooded.