the femenine of astronaut is astronaut. have you ever heard of an 'astroladynaut' or whatever else?
A sloven is another name for an untidy or haphazard person. There is no feminine or masculine of sloven as it is not gender specific.
Gender-neutral diction allows both the masculine and feminine genders to participate in any given situation.
Αστροναύτης and αστροναύτισσα are Greek equivalents of the English word "astronaut." Context makes clear whether feminine (case 2) or masculine (example 1) gender suits for the English singular noun whose origins trace back to the merger of the Greek words ἄστρον (ástron, “star”) and ναύτης (naútēs, “sailor”). The respective pronunciations will be "A-stro-NAF-tees" in the masculine and "A-stro-NAF-tees-sa" in Aeginan Greek.
Masculine and feminine refer to grammatical gender, and there is no grammatical gender in the English noun. Certain words specifically denote male or female persons, but chairman is not one of them. The -man (pronounced mun) in chairman is the same as the -man in woman. It certainly does not denote a male person.A female chairman is properly addressed as "Madame Chairman." There is a politically correct monstrosity with some currency among the ignorant, "chairwoman," but that word means "a woman who takes care of the chairs." Sometimes "Chair" is used alone, but again that is a genteelism, or a mistake made trying to avoid making a mistake.English used to have grammatical gender, but it had nothing to do with physical gender. The word "wife" was a neuter noun, not a feminine, for example. Grammatical gender is in the form of the word, and not its meaning.
je suis en colère is neither feminine nor masculine. It means 'I am angry'. The fact this is a boy - or a girl - speaking would not turn the phrase into masculine or feminine. Only nouns and the related adjectives have a gender in French, but not the sentences (even if there had been a noun in it)
The feminine gender of "votary" is "votress."
The feminine gender for the word "heir" is "heiress."
The feminine gender of tutor is "tutora" in Spanish.
There isn't one... the word 'enemy' has no gender.
Gender is genderless (in English) and as a reference to the sex of a person.
waitress is the feminine
feminine is aviatrix
Doe is the feminine gender of a deer. Caribou is a type of deer.
The feminine gender for tutor is "tutoress" or "tutor."
The feminine gender of "cub" is "cubess" or "cubling."
A hind is the feminine of a hart!