The Distance between Buffalo (New York,Erie County,US)and Auckland International Airport (Auckland,New Zealand) [Airport] is :
13903.18 kilometers (km).
In Other Units:
8639.03 miles.
7502.14 nautical miles.
Note: the distance is straight line distance (may be called as flying or air distance) between the two locations calculated based on their latitudes and longitudes. This distance may be very much different from the actual travel distance.
The air distance from Auckland, New Zealand, to Canberra, Australia, is 1,435 miles. That equals 2,309 kilometers or 1,247 nautical miles.
The air distance from Seoul, South Korea, to Auckland, New Zealand, is 5,962 miles. That equals 9,595 kilometers or 5,181 nautical miles.
The air distance from Auckland, New Zealand, to Salt Lake City, Utah, is 7,077 miles. That equals 11,389 kilometers or 6,150 nautical miles.
The theoretical air distance (great circle distance) between Auckland, New Zealand and Paris, France is 18,546 kilometres or 11,524 miles. The theoretical air distance (great circle distance) between Auckland, New Zealand and Paris, France is 18,546 kilometres or 11,524 miles.
Almost on the other side of the world...(New Zealand is antipodal to Spain) New Zealand and Denmark are 17,948 kilometres apart.
The flight distance from Auckland, New Zealand to Maldives is 6,841 miles / 11,010 km
The distance from Edmonton to Auckland is 7557.3 Miles.
The air distance from Auckland, New Zealand, to Canberra, Australia, is 1,435 miles. That equals 2,309 kilometers or 1,247 nautical miles.
The distance between Auckland, New Zealand and Manila, Philippines is approximately 4,991 miles.
The air distance from London, England, to Auckland, New Zealand, is 11,389 miles. That equals 18,327 kilometers or 9,896 nautical miles.
The air distance from Auckland, New Zealand, to Brisbane, Australia, is 1,424 miles. That equals 2,292 kilometers or 1,237 nautical miles.
The air distance from Auckland, New Zealand, to Rome, Italy, is 11,433 miles. That equals 18,399 kilometers or 9,934 nautical miles.
The air distance from Auckland, New Zealand, to Rome, Italy is 18,399 kilometers. That equals 11,433 miles or 9,934 nautical miles.
The air distance from Austin, Texas, to Auckland, New Zealand, is 7,304 miles. That equals 11,754 kilometers or 6,347 nautical miles.
The air distance from Oxford, England, United Kingdom, to Auckland, New Zealand, is 11,384 miles. That equals 18,319 kilometers or 9,891 nautical miles.
The distance between London, England, United Kingdom and Auckland, New Zealand is 11390 miles (18331 km).
Bombay/Auckland is 7635 miles