Well they are different shows. Victorious is about a girl who wants to be a show musical star and iCarly is about two girls with a web show. They both rock though!! Especially iCarly! And Mary is the #1 biggest ever ICarly fan!
You know, some people hate icarly more than victorious so we will all know that victorious will win. ;)
None of the iCarly characters showed up. iCarly didn't even get involved with Victorious until iParty with Victorious.
You know, some people hate icarly more than victorious so we will all know that victorious will win. ;)
yes they did
None of the iCarly characters showed up. iCarly didn't even get involved with Victorious until iParty with Victorious.
In fact, the three shows following "iOMG" will be the iCarly/Victorious crossover episodes, "iParty with Victorious".
Victorious is Shelby. :P
She has been in there before. She was Shelby Marx and she is Tori in Victorious :)
Yes, there have been stars from iCarly and Victorious before.
No, It not because just came out with i party with victorious on Saturday.
It is a matter of personal opinion