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Regional metamorphism is the creation of metamorphic rock from large geographically significant processes like plate tectonics. Contact metamorphism is the creation of metamorphic rock from the proximity of an existing rock to a heat source provided by a plutonic intrusion.

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Q: What is the difference between regional and contact metamorphism?
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What are the 4 types of metamorphism?

contact metamorphism, regional metamorphism, dynamic metamorphism

What is the difference between regional and contact metamorphose?

Contact metamorphism is a type of metamorphismwhere rock minerals and texture are changed, mainly by heat, due to contact with magma.

How is contact metamorphism different. from regional metamorphism?

contact metamorphism is what happens when something is really hot. regional metamorphism on the other hand involves much larger packages of rocks.

How does Burial metamorphism differ from Regional and Contact metamorphism?

Burial metamorphism differs from regional and contact metamorphism in that it is the result of rocks being buried deeper into the earth's crust through tectonic movements.

What is the difference between contact and regional metamorphisim?

Contact metamorphism occurs when rocks are subjected to high temperatures and pressures due to proximity to a heat source, typically a magma intrusion. Regional metamorphism, on the other hand, is caused by widespread tectonic forces affecting large areas of rock, resulting in higher pressures and temperatures at deeper levels. Contact metamorphism is localized around the heat source, while regional metamorphism affects larger regions due to tectonic forces.

How is contact metamorphism different from regional metamorphic?

contact metamorphism is what happens when something is really hot. regional metamorphism on the other hand involves much larger packages of rocks.

What are the Three types of metamorphism?

contact metamorphism, regional metamorphism, dynamic metamorphism

Compare and contrast contact metamorphism and regional metamorphism.?

Contact metamorphism is the process of forming rocks from the heat of magma intrusion. Regional metamorphism, meanwhile, is the process of forming rocks by pressure and heat at plate boundaries.

How is metamorphism different from regional metamorphism?

contact metamorphism is what happens when something is really hot. regional metamorphism on the other hand involves much larger packages of rocks.

Compare and contrast contact metamorphism and regional metamorphism?

Contact metamorphism occurs due to the heat and pressure from a nearby igneous intrusion, affecting rocks in the immediate vicinity. Regional metamorphism occurs over large areas due to deep burial or tectonic forces, affecting rocks on a regional scale. Contact metamorphism typically results in localized changes, while regional metamorphism leads to more widespread and intense alteration of rocks.

What is the difference between contact and metamorphism?

Contact metamorphism is metamorphism that happens when preexisting rock comes in contact with a molten rock or magma and it melts locally.Regional metamorphism is metamorphism happens when two plates collide the plate that subducts can melt by the heated area.

Difference between regional and local metamorphism?

Regional metamorphism occurs over a large area and at high pressures and temperatures, typically associated with tectonic processes like mountain building. Local metamorphism, on the other hand, is confined to a small area and occurs at lower pressures and temperatures, often as a result of contact with a heat source like a magma intrusion.