Sleeping Beauty ends when the Prince kills Maleficent and releases the curse on the girl with a loving kiss.
sleeping beauty
sleeping beauty married the prince philip
The witch cursed sleeping beauty
Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty was created in 2008.
Sleeping Beauty Castle -ilovehorseyrides
sleeping beauty
Sleeping Beauty
The cast of The Sleeping Beauty - 1912 includes: Ivy Close as Sleeping Beauty
sleeping beauty married the prince philip
The witch cursed sleeping beauty
Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty was created in 2008.
Sleeping Beauty Castle -ilovehorseyrides
Disney's Sleeping Beauty was released in 1959.
Sleeping Beauty Castle was created in 2005.
in the perce forest
In the plot of Sleeping Beauty, Sleeping Beauty's jealous stepmother places a curse on a spindle so that, if Sleeping Beauty pricks her finger on it, she will sleep for 100 years. Later, a prince awakens her with a kiss.
the setting of the sleeping beauty is the in a far away land...